I am a massive fan of growing your own fruit and veggies.

There are a multitude of reasons why growing your own plant food is of benefit so I have listed 5 key points below: 1. Eating organic By planting my own seeds and setting up my own garden, I have the opportunity to ensure what I’m eating is free from pesticides and herbicides - that means no weed killer and no bug killers either. This means I know that there are no impurities and it is as fresh as can be! 2. Eating more whole foods There is nothing better than eating home grown food and it encourages you to eat more fruit and veg! Plant based food is beneficial for most health conditions not to mention supporting gut health and increasing fibre content through the diet. 3. Planting what we use By planting my own veggies and herbs means I get to plant what we eat regularly but also I can try new veggies if I choose. 4. Gardening is a form of relaxation I really enjoying pottering in the garden and I use it as a stress management tool. Doing something mindfully has the ability to lower stress levels, calm the nervous system, increase your focus and concentration. 5. Get to enjoy the digestive process from start to finish Planting your own food gives you the opportunity to get amongst your food and be aware of where it comes from and what’s involved in the growing process!

Interested in planting your own food? You can grew certain herbs and veggies in pots or in veggie patches and starting small a ideal! The easiest things I’ve found to grow include: mint, spinach, silverbeet, lettuce, parsley and basil. Give it a go and send through your progress pictures!